Contact Us

Do you have a suggestion, comment or complaint?

Baitak Tower – Floor 16, Abdullah AlSalem St, Block 10, Qibla, Kuwait City, Kuwait.

P.O. Box 1387 Safat, 13014 Kuwait

Phone: +965 1 832 832

Fax: +965 22466187

To find out more about ABK Capital’s investment products and services, please email 


Do you have a concern or complaint?

Please download and fill out our complaints form and submit it, along with any supporting documents, through any of the following channels:


Hand delivery to the Complaint Unit located at Baitak Tower - Floor 16, Abdullah AlSalem Street, Block 10, Qibla, Kuwait City, Kuwait.
Fax: +965 22466187
Your complaint will be handled by an independent unit within the Compliance Department.

Please feel free to contact us at +965 1832832 should you wish to speak to a representative.

Whistle Blowing

ABK Capital's whistle-blowing mechanism guarantees a secure space for stakeholders to report breaches or improper activities without fear of reprisal.

Our internal policies safeguard whistle-blowers from threats or harmful actions when reporting detected breaches.

If you have identified serious misconduct and wish to report it, please email:



Address: Abdullah AlSalem    Street, Baitak Tower, Floor 16 P.O.Box 1387 Safat, 13014 Kuwait


Phone: 1832 832


Fax: 22466187


Working Hours: Sun - Wed 7:30 a.m.- 3.00 p.m / Thu- 7:30 a.m.- 2:30 p.m